
 Address: Splaiul Independenţei 313, Sector 6, 060042 Bucharest, Romania, Office JK 214
Phone: +40 21 316 9563
Fax: +40 21 316 9563 

Board of Directors
Executive Manager - Prof. Mihai TARCOLEA

Brief Presentation

The Biomaterials Center sets out to train specialists involved in the design, choice and production of biomaterials, in the formulation of biomaterial-based technologies and applications (medical instruments, implants, prostheses, artificial organs, and other medical devices), specialists that should make sure that products are functional, experts on medical apparatus or on clinical investigation techniques.

Specialists in biomaterials can cover several study areas in engineering, medicine and biology. They can find jobs in hospitals, in the industry and/or research area or in the academia, conducting activities that include the design of medical instruments, implants, prostheses and other medical devices, the development and production of such products, the design of new highly compatible biomaterials; the design, production and maintenance of medical apparatus, the design and achievement of hospital computer networks; in the management technology of hospital systems. Furthermore, a center that conducts the expertise of biomaterials, implants and other medical devices is a must, due particularly to Romanian Parliament Law on medical devices stipulating the attuning of new medical devices to quality norms imposed on a European level.

This orientation is a first attempt in this line of work that should contribute to proficiency training in major fields such as the ensuing ones:

  • Theoretical grounding of some basic notions (biomaterial, biocompatibility, biofunctioning, implant, medical device);
  • Technologies for obtaining biomaterials and medical devices;
  • Conception and design of biomaterials and medical devices;
  • Techniques for testing, investigating and assessing biomaterials and medical devices;

Biomaterials (medical devices) applications in various fields of use: orthopedics, stomatology, ENT.

The Biomaterials Center has four major development objectives presupposing various activities:

  1. Quality Insurance:
  • Investigation and testing of biomaterials and medical devices;
  • Biomaterials and medical devices expertise;
  • Official recognition of biomaterials and medical devices;
  • Standardization of biomaterials and medical devices;


2. Marketing and International Partnership:

  • Applied research;
  • Marketing;
  • Technology transfer;
  • International partnership;


3. Technological Achievement:

  • Conception and design of biomaterials and medical devices;
  • Establishing the design of medical devices;
  • Obtaining biomaterials;
  • Production of medical devices


4. Education, Training, Professional Orientation Services:

  • Professional orientation;
  • Educational services;
  • Training activities and courses;
  • Expertise and consulting services.

The Divison will see to it that the Center laboratories be accredited in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 9002.

The technical assistance, testing and forecast services are:

  • technical assistance for medical devices maintenance and fixing;
  • drafting of technological norms and on processing and testing methods of biomaterials and medical devices;
  • editing of promotion materials (leaflets, brochures, multimedia applications);
  • testing and official recognition of biomaterials and medical devices;
  • market forecast on the number of necessary graduates with biomedical training

The major objectives run as follows:

  • Development and valorization of scientific and engineering assets in the field of biomaterials;
  • Accumulation, development and valorization of modern environment-friendly technologies (minimal losses technologies, appropriate production technologies, modern techniques for testing and investigation;
  • Development of scientific and technological services.

According to the submitted organization chart, The Center’s three major strategic orientations (scientific research, applied technology research and services) converge to amke up a coherent chain “theme launching – circulation - dissemination”. The Center’s partners will benefit from technologies and equipment projects in accordance with the recommendations of the European Community Commission.

National and International Co-operation

On the national front, the Biomaterials Center co-operates with both field-specific university centers from Jassy (“Gh. Asachi”), Targoviste (“Vallachia” University), from Hunedoara POLITEHNICA University of Timişoara), Constantza (“Ovidius” University) and with university centers specializing in complementary disciplines from Bucharest (The Pharmacy and Medicine University) and Jassy, with research, design and production units (INTEC - Bucharest, ICPE - Bucharest, ICEM -  Bucharest, INAV SA, GRANTMETAL SA, FAUR SA, SEMCO PROIECT SA, MEFIN SA, INFLPR, AEROTEH), the Clinical Hospital “N.G.Lupu”, the Clinical Hospital Fundeni, the Orthopaedics Clinic Foisor, ROMHANDICAP, ROMMEDICA, AEROTEH, rodax S.R.L., BRIMEX S.R.L.

On the international front, Center members are involved in a co-operation relationship (visitors exchange, documentary exchanges) with:

  • France: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et des Industries, Strasbourg; Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - Nancy; Ecole des Mines, Saint-Etienne; Université Sud de Paris;
  • Hungary: Gépipari és Automatizálási Müszaki Föiskola - Kecskemét;
  • Canada: McGill University - Montreal;
  • Korea: Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology;
  • Japan: Joining and Welding Research Institute;
  • Germany: BUEHLER; Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart;
  • USA: University of Alabama.